.............Changes.txt lists all changes to road-bash.......................... To do -- Add log_notify -- send mail from script -- ssh with PuTTY does not handle TERM correctly. -- etc/termcap does not work with bin/less. etc/skel/.termcap is a workaround -- Add notes on Groovy, Windows Power Shell, and AutoHotKey road-bash 2009.1 2009/11/14 - Upgrade to MSYS 1.0.11 Upgrade bash to 3.1 Add file, stty, umount Add lzma. Use lzma to decompress downloads from sourceforge Update join, paste, sort from coreutils Replace mount.exe with mount/umount shell scripts and msysmnt.exe Merge etc/inputrc.default into /etc/skel/.inputrc - inputrc.default reversed meta (e.g., convert-meta is 'on', it was 'off') - Changed bell-style from none to audible No change to doc/msys other than removing the limitation on /bin Retained previous version of sed. The MSYS version is old. Retained /local/bin/u2d and d2u. The MSYS version is stdout only. Retained ex, rvi, rview, rvim, vi, view from 1.0.10. Run from rxvt. share/file/magic* not copied. Used by rpm bash.exe not copied (it duplicates sh.exe) Add documentation link to http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MinGWiki/ - New functions Added /bin/bash. It invokes sh. Added idate, idate2, daysago for epoch datetimes. Useful for logging. Added ro_hostip for IP of host Added newbashenv for updating .bashenv from paste buffer Added p4update for updating a directory in Perforce Added bash/etc/skel/.inputrc to Unix distribution - Breaking changes findt and findxt take a name parameter instead of a cut parameter - Enhancements findd, findf, findtt, findx, findxtt accept a name parameter for 'find -name' finda includes usage lines findp Unix uses 'ps ax -F' instead of 'ps aux' P4EDITOR preserved on Unix systems. Already preserved on Windows Moved dos2u into road-bashrc.sh for Unix users road-root.bash_profile searches more directories Added 'road' alias to road-root.bash_profile Use $HOME instead of ~ .bashrc reports if it does not find road-bashenv.sh Add --help to p4edit. Define p4() if needed. Remove #!/bin/sh Replaced tabs with spaces Renamed road-hostrc.sh to road-hostrc.sh.sample to prevent overwrites on install. road-test.sh invokes $HOME/etc/road-script.sh before /etc/road-script.sh Use $HOME instead of ~ for road-test.sh and road-script.sh Define ro_version and check that it matches for road-test.sh Add Delete Key to etc/skel/.inputrc etc/profile adds /git/bin to $PATH if defined road-bash 2008.3 2008/06/30 -- Add /etc/road-home.bashrc for simplified Unix distribution -- Move /etc/skel/road-root.bash_profile to /etc -- Change Unix options for findp to 'aux' instead of '-ef' (space & time) road-bash 2008.2 2008/05/28 -- Source road-bashenv.sh,etc. in ~/bash/etc/ in preference to /etc/ -- Set ro_pathinit to prevent cascading PATH in road-bashenv.sh -- Add local/bin/dos2u, It strips \r from dos files -- Move ssh, scp, sftp to util/putty. -- Add road-root.bash_profile for distinguishing users by SSH key [wsears] -- Document order of sourcing road-bashrc.sh, etc. -- Set checkwinsize in road-bashenv.sh -- Use 'mv -f' to avoid prompts in mydir,etc. -- Allow P4CONFIG to be defined before road-bashenv.sh -- File swap uses $$ in the temp filename -- Add FreeBSD man pages to road-bash.html and rearranged the links -- Add a search box to road-bash.html road-bash 2008.1 2008/03/20 -- Expanded scope of winpath and unixpath -- exit_if_err_file and log_if_err_file also exit on non-zero exit status -- Use 'test -a' to test for ro_minute -- Dropped local/wget.exe. cUrl.exe is a better choice for most users road-bash 2007.2 2007/12/16 -- Add notes to ssh on using PuTTY for interactive use -- Use 'type -p' instead of 'type -a' since it errors on a missing program -- Simplified COPYING.txt road-bash 2007.1 2007/08/21 -- Initial release of road-bash -- Windows version based on MSYS-1.0.10 with contributions from Outwit, UnxUtils, coreutils-5.3.0, cygutils-1.2.9