
     command line interface to qhull
         includes SIOUX interface for Macintoshes

   see qh-qhull.htm

   Copyright (c) 1993-2020 The Geometry Center.
   $Id: //main/2019/qhull/src/qhull/unix.c#4 $$Change: 2954 $
   $DateTime: 2020/05/21 22:30:09 $$Author: bbarber $

#include "libqhull/libqhull.h"


#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define isatty _isatty
/* int _isatty(int); */

int isatty(int);  /* returns 1 if stdin is a tty
                   if "Undefined symbol" this can be deleted along with call in main() */


    long prompt for qhull

    see concise prompt below
    same text as qconvex.c, qdelanay.c, qhalf.c, qvoronoi.c
    limit maximum literal to 1800 characters
char qh_prompta[]= "\n\
qhull -- compute convex hulls and related structures.\n\
    http://www.qhull.org  %s\n\
input (stdin):\n\
    first lines: dimension and number of points (or vice-versa).\n\
    other lines: point coordinates, best if one point per line\n\
    comments:    start with a non-numeric character\n\
    halfspaces:  use dim plus one and put offset after coefficients.\n\
                 May be preceded by a single interior point ('H').\n\
    d    - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
    d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
    Hn,n,... - halfspace intersection about point [n,n,0,...]\n\
    Qc   - keep coplanar points with nearest facet\n\
    Qi   - keep interior points with nearest facet\n\
    QJ   - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
    Qt   - triangulated output\n\
    v    - Voronoi diagram (dual of the Delaunay triangulation)\n\
    v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
Qhull control options:\n\
    Qa   - allow input with fewer or more points than coordinates\n\
    Qbk:n   - scale coord k so that low bound is n\n\
      QBk:n - scale coord k so that upper bound is n (QBk is %2.2g)\n\
    QbB  - scale input to unit cube centered at the origin\n\
    Qbb  - scale last coordinate to [0,m] for Delaunay triangulations\n\
    Qbk:0Bk:0 - remove k-th coordinate from input\n\
    QJn  - randomly joggle input in range [-n,n]\n\
    QRn  - random rotation (n=seed, n=0 time, n=-1 time/no rotate)\n\
    Qs   - search all points for the initial simplex\n\
    Qu   - for 'd' or 'v', compute upper hull without point at-infinity\n\
              returns furthest-site Delaunay triangulation\n\
    QVn  - good facet if it includes point n, -n if not\n\
    Qx   - exact pre-merges (skips coplanar and angle-coplanar facets)\n\
    Qz   - add point-at-infinity to Delaunay triangulation\n\
%s%s%s%s";  /* split up qh_prompt for Visual C++ */
char qh_promptb[]= "\
Qhull extra options:\n\
    Qf   - partition point to furthest outside facet\n\
    Qg   - only build good facets (needs 'QGn', 'QVn', or 'PdD')\n\
    QGn  - good facet if visible from point n, -n for not visible\n\
    Qm   - only process points that would increase max_outside\n\
    Qr   - process random outside points instead of furthest ones\n\
    Qv   - test vertex neighbors for convexity\n\
    Qw   - allow option warnings\n\
    Q0   - turn off default premerge with 'C-0'/'Qx'\n\
    Q1   - merge by mergetype/angle instead of mergetype/distance\n\
    Q2   - merge all coplanar facets instead of merging independent sets\n\
    Q3   - do not merge redundant vertices\n\
    Q4   - avoid old->new merges\n\
    Q5   - do not correct outer planes at end of qhull\n\
    Q6   - do not pre-merge concave or coplanar facets\n\
    Q7   - depth-first processing instead of breadth-first\n\
    Q8   - do not process near-inside points\n\
    Q9   - process furthest of furthest points\n\
    Q10  - no special processing for narrow distributions\n\
    Q11  - copy normals and recompute centrums for tricoplanar facets\n\
    Q12  - allow wide facets and wide dupridge\n\
    Q14  - merge pinched vertices that create a dupridge\n\
    Q15  - check for duplicate ridges with the same vertices\n\
T options:\n\
    TFn  - report summary when n or more facets created\n\
    TI file - input file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
    TO file - output file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
    Ts   - statistics\n\
    Tv   - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
    Tz   - send all output to stdout\n\
char qh_promptc[]= "\
Trace options:\n\
    T4   - trace at level n, 4=all, 5=mem/gauss, -1= events\n\
    Ta   - annotate output with message codes\n\
    TAn  - stop qhull after adding n vertices\n\
     TCn - stop qhull after building cone for point n\n\
     TVn - stop qhull after adding point n, -n for before\n\
    Tc   - check frequently during execution\n\
    Tf   - flush each qh_fprintf for debugging segfaults\n\
    TPn  - turn on tracing when point n added to hull\n\
     TP-1  turn on tracing after qh_buildhull and qh_postmerge\n\
     TMn - turn on tracing at merge n\n\
     TWn - trace merge facets when width > n\n\
    TRn  - rerun qhull n times for statistics to adjust 'QJn'\n\
Precision options:\n\
    Cn   - radius of centrum (roundoff added).  Merge facets if non-convex\n\
     An  - cosine of maximum angle.  Merge facets if cosine > n or non-convex\n\
           C-0 roundoff, A-0.99/C-0.01 pre-merge, A0.99/C0.01 post-merge\n\
    En   - max roundoff error for distance computation\n\
    Rn   - randomly perturb computations by a factor of [1-n,1+n]\n\
    Vn   - min distance above plane for a visible facet (default 3C-n or En)\n\
    Un   - max distance below plane for a new, coplanar point (default Vn)\n\
    Wn   - min facet width for outside point (before roundoff, default 2Vn)\n\
Output formats (may be combined; if none, produces a summary to stdout):\n\
    f    - facet dump\n\
    G    - Geomview output (see below)\n\
    i    - vertices incident to each facet\n\
    m    - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
    n    - normals with offsets\n\
    o    - OFF format (dim, points and facets; Voronoi regions)\n\
    p    - vertex coordinates or Voronoi vertices (coplanar points if 'Qc')\n\
    s    - summary (stderr)\n\
char qh_promptd[]= "\
More formats:\n\
    Fa   - area for each facet\n\
    FA   - compute total area and volume for option 's'\n\
    Fc   - count plus coplanar points for each facet\n\
           use 'Qc' (default) for coplanar and 'Qi' for interior\n\
    FC   - centrum or Voronoi center for each facet\n\
    Fd   - use cdd format for input (homogeneous with offset first)\n\
    FD   - use cdd format for numeric output (offset first)\n\
    FF   - facet dump without ridges\n\
    Fi   - inner plane for each facet\n\
           for 'v', separating hyperplanes for bounded Voronoi regions\n\
    FI   - ID of each facet\n\
    Fm   - merge count for each facet (511 max)\n\
    FM   - Maple output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
    Fn   - count plus neighboring facets for each facet\n\
    FN   - count plus neighboring facets for each point\n\
    Fo   - outer plane (or max_outside) for each facet\n\
           for 'v', separating hyperplanes for unbounded Voronoi regions\n\
    FO   - options and precision constants\n\
    Fp   - dim, count, and intersection coordinates (halfspace only)\n\
    FP   - nearest vertex and distance for each coplanar point\n\
    FQ   - command used for qhull\n\
    Fs   - summary: #int (8), dimension, #points, tot vertices, tot facets,\n\
                      output: #vertices, #facets, #coplanars, #nonsimplicial\n\
                    #real (2), max outer plane, min vertex\n\
    FS   - sizes:   #int (0)\n\
                    #real (2) tot area, tot volume\n\
    Ft   - triangulation with centrums for non-simplicial facets (OFF format)\n\
    Fv   - count plus vertices for each facet\n\
           for 'v', Voronoi diagram as Voronoi vertices for pairs of sites\n\
    FV   - average of vertices (a feasible point for 'H')\n\
    Fx   - extreme points (in order for 2-d)\n\
char qh_prompte[]= "\
Geomview output (2-d, 3-d, and 4-d; 2-d Voronoi)\n\
    Ga   - all points as dots\n\
     Gp  -  coplanar points and vertices as radii\n\
     Gv  -  vertices as spheres\n\
    Gc   - centrums\n\
    GDn  - drop dimension n in 3-d and 4-d output\n\
    Gh   - hyperplane intersections\n\
    Gi   - inner planes only\n\
     Gn  -  no planes\n\
     Go  -  outer planes only\n\
    Gr   - ridges\n\
    Gt   - for 3-d 'd', transparent outer ridges\n\
Print options:\n\
    PAn  - keep n largest facets by area\n\
    Pdk:n - drop facet if normal[k] <= n (default 0.0)\n\
    PDk:n - drop facet if normal[k] >= n\n\
    PFn  - keep facets whose area is at least n\n\
    Pg   - print good facets (needs 'QGn' or 'QVn')\n\
    PG   - print neighbors of good facets\n\
    PMn  - keep n facets with most merges\n\
    Po   - force output.  If error, output neighborhood of facet\n\
    Pp   - do not report precision problems\n\
    .    - list of all options\n\
    -    - one line descriptions of all options\n\
    -?   - help with examples\n\
    -V   - version\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */


    synopsis for qhull

    limit maximum literal to 1800 characters
char qh_prompt2a[]= "\n\
qhull -- compute convex hulls and related structures.  Qhull %s\n\
    input (stdin): dimension, number of points, point coordinates\n\
    comments start with a non-numeric character\n\
    halfspace: use dim+1 and put offsets after coefficients\n\
options (qh-quick.htm):\n\
    d    - Delaunay triangulation by lifting points to a paraboloid\n\
    d Qu - furthest-site Delaunay triangulation (upper convex hull)\n\
    v    - Voronoi diagram as the dual of the Delaunay triangulation\n\
    v Qu - furthest-site Voronoi diagram\n\
    H1,1 - Halfspace intersection about [1,1,0,...] via polar duality\n\
    Qt   - triangulated output\n\
    QJ   - joggled input instead of merged facets\n\
    Tv   - verify result: structure, convexity, and point inclusion\n\
    .    - concise list of all options\n\
    -    - one-line description of each option\n\
    -?   - this message\n\
    -V   - version\n\
Output options (subset):\n\
    s    - summary of results (default)\n\
    i    - vertices incident to each facet\n\
    n    - normals with offsets\n\
    p    - vertex coordinates (if 'Qc', includes coplanar points)\n\
           if 'v', Voronoi vertices\n\
    FA   - report total area and volume\n\
    Fp   - halfspace intersections\n\
    FS   - total area and volume\n\
    Fx   - extreme points (convex hull vertices)\n\
    G    - Geomview output (2-d, 3-d and 4-d)\n\
    m    - Mathematica output (2-d and 3-d)\n\
    o    - OFF format (if 'v', outputs Voronoi regions)\n\
    QVn  - print facets that include point n, -n if not\n\
    TI file - input file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
    TO file - output file, may be enclosed in single quotes\n\
%s";  /* split literal */
char qh_prompt2b[]= "\
    rbox D4 | qhull Tv                        rbox 1000 s | qhull Tv s FA\n\
    rbox 10 D2 | qhull d QJ s i TO result     rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qbb Qt p\n\
    rbox 10 D2 | qhull d Qu QJ m              rbox 10 D2 | qhull v Qu QJ o\n\
    rbox c d D2 | qhull Qc s f Fx | more      rbox c | qhull FV n | qhull H Fp\n\
    rbox d D12 | qhull QR0 FA                 rbox c D7 | qhull FA TF1000\n\
    rbox y 1000 W0 | qhull Qc                 rbox c | qhull n\n\
/* for opts, don't assign 'e' or 'E' to a flag (already used for exponent) */


    concise prompt for qhull

    limit maximum literal to 1800 characters
char qh_prompt3a[]= "\n\
Qhull %s\n\
Except for 'F.' and 'PG', upper-case options take an argument.\n\
 delaunay       facet-dump     Geomview       H0,0-interior  Halfspace\n\
 incidences     mathematica    normals        off-format     points\n\
 summary        voronoi\n\
 Farea          FArea-total    Fcoplanars     FCentrums      Fd-cdd-in\n\
 FD-cdd-out     FFacets-xridge Finner         FIDs           Fmerges\n\
 FMaple         Fneighbors     FNeigh-vertex  Fouter         FOptions\n\
 Fpoint-intersect  FPoint-near FQhull         Fsummary       FSize\n\
 Ftriangles     Fvertices      Fvoronoi       FVertex-ave    Fxtremes\n\
 Gall-points    Gcentrums      GDrop-dim      Ghyperplanes   Ginner\n\
 Gno-planes     Gouter         Gpoints        Gridges        Gtransparent\n\
 PArea-keep     Pdrop-d0:0D0   PFacet-area-keep  Pgood       PGood-neighbors\n\
 PMerge-keep    Poutput-forced Pprecision-not\n\
 Qallow-short   QbBound-0:0.5  QbB-scale-box  Qbb-scale-last Qbk:0Bk:0-drop\n\
 Qcoplanar      Qinterior      QJoggle        QRotate        Qsearch-all\n\
 Qtriangulate   QupperDelaunay Qwarn-allow    Qxact-merge    Qzinfinite\n\
 Qfurthest      Qgood-only     QGood-point    Qmax-outside   Qrandom\n\
 Qvneighbors    QVertex-good\n\
%s"; /* split literal */
char qh_prompt3b[]= "\
 Q0-no-premerge Q1-angle-merge     Q2-no-independ  Q3-no-redundant\n\
 Q4-no-old      Q5-no-check-out    Q6-no-concave   Q7-depth-first\n\
 Q8-no-near-in  Q9-pick-furthest   Q10-no-narrow   Q11-trinormals\n\
 Q12-allow-wide Q14-merge-pinched  Q15-duplicates\n\
 TFacet-log     TInput-file    TOutput-file   Tstatistics    Tverify\n\
 T4-trace       Tannotate      TAdd-stop      Tcheck-often   TCone-stop\n\
 Tflush         TMerge-trace   TPoint-trace   TRerun         TVertex-stop\n\
 Angle-max      Centrum-size   Error-round    Random-dist    Ucoplanar-max\n\
 Visible-min    Wide-outside\n\


  main( argc, argv )
    processes the command line, calls qhull() to do the work, and exits

    initializes data structures
    reads points
    finishes initialization
    computes convex hull and other structures
    checks the result
    writes the output
    frees memory
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  int curlong, totlong; /* used !qh_NOmem */
  int exitcode, numpoints, dim;
  coordT *points;
  boolT ismalloc;

  QHULL_LIB_CHECK /* Check for compatible library */

  if ((argc == 1) && isatty( 0 /*stdin*/)) {
    fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt2a, qh_version, qh_prompt2b);
  if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && (*(argv[1] + 1) == '?' || *(argv[1] + 1) == '-')) { /* -? or --help */
    fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt2a, qh_version, qh_prompt2b);
  if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && (*(argv[1] + 1) == '?' || *(argv[1] + 1) == '-')) { /* -? or --help */
    fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt2a, qh_version, qh_prompt2b);
  if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
    fprintf(stdout, qh_prompta, qh_version, qh_DEFAULTbox,
                qh_promptb, qh_promptc, qh_promptd, qh_prompte);
  if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '.' && !*(argv[1]+1)) {
    fprintf(stdout, qh_prompt3a, qh_version, qh_prompt3b);
  if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] == '-' && *(argv[1]+1)=='V') {
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", qh_version2);
  qh_init_A(stdin, stdout, stderr, argc, argv);  /* sets qh qhull_command */
  exitcode= setjmp(qh errexit); /* simple statement for CRAY J916 */
  if (!exitcode) {
    qh NOerrexit = False;
    qh_initflags(qh qhull_command);
    points= qh_readpoints(&numpoints, &dim, &ismalloc);
    qh_init_B(points, numpoints, dim, ismalloc);
    if (qh VERIFYoutput && !qh FORCEoutput && !qh STOPadd && !qh STOPcone && !qh STOPpoint)
    exitcode= qh_ERRnone;
  qh NOerrexit= True;  /* no more setjmp */
#ifdef qh_NOmem
  qh_memfreeshort(&curlong, &totlong);
  if (curlong || totlong)
    qh_fprintf_stderr(7079, "qhull internal warning (main): did not free %d bytes of long memory(%d pieces)\n",
       totlong, curlong);
  return exitcode;
} /* main */