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To: GeomGlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

merge.c -- facet merge operations

Qhull handles precision problems by merged facets or joggled input. Except for redundant vertices, it corrects a problem by merging two facets. When done, all facets are clearly convex. See Imprecision in Qhull for further information.

Users may joggle the input ('QJn') instead of merging facets.

Qhull detects and corrects the following problems:

Copyright © 1995-2020 C.B. Barber

» Geom GlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

Index to merge.c and merge.h

»merge.h data types, macros, and global sets

»merge.h constants

»top-level merge functions

»functions for identifying merges

»functions for determining the best merge

»functions for merging facets

»functions for merging a cycle of facets

If a point is coplanar with an horizon facet, the corresponding new facets are linked together (a samecycle) for merging.

»functions for pinched vertices of dupridges

»functions for renaming a vertex

»functions for identifying vertices for renaming

»functions for check and trace

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To: GeomGlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

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Comments to: qhull@qhull.org
Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top