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io.c -- input and output operations

Qhull provides a wide range of input and output options. To organize the code, most output formats use the same driver:

    qh_printbegin( fp, format, facetlist, facets, printall );

    FORALLfacet_( facetlist )
      qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );

    FOREACHfacet_( facets )
      qh_printafacet( fp, format, facet, printall );

    qh_printend( fp, format );

Note the 'printall' flag. It selects whether or not qh_skipfacet() is tested.

Copyright © 1995-2020 C.B. Barber

» Geom GlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

Index to io.c and io.h

»io.h constants and types

»User level functions

»Print functions for all output formats

»Text output functions

»Text utility functions

»Geomview output functions

»Geomview utility functions

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To: GeomGlobalIoMemMergePolyQhullSetStatUser

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Comments to: qhull@qhull.org
Created: May 2, 1997 --- Last modified: see top